Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 1

Hey everyone,

Ok so made it to Thailand safe and sound. We got in about 10pm last night and decided why not celebrate a super long flight. Obviously we went out for a few beers. Had my first Chang beer, quite tasty, not gonna lie.

Thailand is super hot, feels like a sauna that never ends. Lots of water will be drank on this trip I can tell you that. On the plane to Thailand I met this very interesting Thai man. He has travelled around the world like 4 times. He told me all the hot spots to visit and what was a waste of time, which was super cool. Everyone here speaks pretty good english so there is no problem getting around, but everything looks the same so you could potentially get lost. Not a problem though, if you get lost just ask a Tuk Tuk driver, which is a three wheels motor bike kinda thing and they will take you pretty much anywhere for super cheap.

so i noticed last night that there are lizzards everywhere. Like the really little ones. They are just cralling around everywhere and oh man the cats. There are cats everwhere. like last night when we went to bed all you could hear were cats crying it was ridiculous. i'm not joking though there is a cat every 5 steps you take, they are everwhere.

last night we walked up and down kao san road which is famous to all backpackers I hear. It was incredibly busy, and street meat everwhere. With that comes garbage and with lots of garbage comes rats. saw sooo many rats just wondering the roads looking for a good place to hang out, that was not my favorite part. kinda acted like a little girl when it ran by me by jumping up on a chair and screamed just a little.

Anyways its almost 9am here so I'm gonna go grab be some cheap pad thai and get this adventure on the go.


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