Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 7

Woke up around 4:30 once again.... it was a mad rush to get all of our things together and get out the door to catch the bus to Chaing Rai. The bus was only 3 hours long, but the day didn't have a good start. I woke up and yes this might be too much info for some, but I woke up with diarrhea. So I spent most of the day in a toilet somewhere along the trip... got to see many different toilets, quite the experience I think. Ended up taking loads of pills of all kinds... still nothing. Travellers diarrhea got the best of me, I was defeated.

Arrived in Chaing Mai around 9am and hung around Mirrow foundation head quarters for a while. We chilled out played some frisbee and a little soccer. Finally Mirrow came back picked us up and drove along this road into the hill tribe villages. This road looked like we were headed to no mans land I swear. Itwas a dirt road with loads of pot wholes. Driving along the road this guys on a moter bike was behind us he had a pint of vodka in one hand and was driving all over the road. That's not even the worst, he kept falling a sleep while driving so we had to keep yelling at him to wake him up. He was so hammered we honestly thought he was going to crash, luckly we were there until he finally came to his senses and pulled over to take a nap on the side of the road.

Got to one of the villages, got set up in our romms/one giant tent with bug nets. \living the dream I tell ya. Went for dinner and me4t a bunch of people who were volunteering there from different parts of the world. Chatted for a while and made new friends... couldn't tell you their names now, but at the time we were all buddy buddy!

After dinner we went to the soccer field and played soccer with the local kids. They were amzingly good at soccer... pretty much kicked our butt all the way back to Canada. spent the entire night there playing with the kids until it got too dark to see the ball. Walked back to the village with a sworm of kids got us some showers and peaced to bed because the next day was one of the most difficult days I've experienced in a while.

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