Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 13

Woke up around 8ish because we had a meeting with the owners of the orphange. We got to ask questions about what we thought and how things were being run. I liked the orphanage, but my opinion is that I think the orphanage was focused too much on religion and other things. I have my opinions on the place, but all in all these children have a place to live and fresh food to eat and are being given a chance at life so it is better then what it could be I guess.

we spent the day chilling at the orphanage. Myself and Teale layed around all day because we had the day to chill and clear our heads from the hill tribes. So I spent the entire day on the internet trying to figure my life out... still no progress. Later that afternoon we got all our stuff together and the owners of the orphanage drove us into the city of Chaing Rai to the bus station where we got on an overnight bus back to Bangkok.

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