Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 17

Woke up around 4:30am to get our ass in gear to go see the sunrise at Angkor Wat. Got to Angkor Wat around 5am as the sun was coming up. It was a bit cloudy so the sunrise wasn't the best, but its still something you are suppose to do while in Siem Reap since its one of the 7 wonders of the world. We spent the day walking around Ankor Wat, going in and out of the temple looking at the way it was built since it was all built by hand way back when. It was an amazing project, and honestly the whole time we were walking around I thought to myself, jesus this must have taken a lot of damn elephants. Spent a few hours at the temple until we decided we wanted to go see other temples in the area. We took a couple of Tuk Tuk's to the Bayon temple. This temple was unique because if you look at it you can see a bunch of budha faces carved intio the temple. It was really cool to see because every face was different some were smiling others were sad, it was really amazing.

After the Bayon temple we went to the elephant temple. This temple is described in its name because there are carvingis of elephants throughout the temple just like the faces in the other temple. We then went to the Tomb Raider temple where the movie was filmed. This was my favoritie temple because there were some seriously giant tree's growing out of the brick and tree's growingi over other tree's. I can't explain how crazy it was, but it was amazing because these tree's were huge, so many years old. It's like the brick and tree's come together to form the temple it was crazy. I see why they chose to do the movie there, it was awesome.

After spending the day at the temples we went back to the guest house. we thought it was like 4 in the afternoon, but really it was only noon. We were up so early that we thought the day was over, but really it was just beginning. So we decided to spend the rest of the day in the pool basking in the sun like real tourist do. Later that evening we ate supper together and moved upstairs to the roof where we watched Tomb Raider since we thought it would be a good idea since we've seen the temple now. We all fell a sleep outside on the roof, different people woke up in the middle of the night and peaced to their room. I didn't end up waking up until 4:30am and was like oh jesus I got bug bites like crazy... time to get my butt to the room.

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