Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 16

Slept in till whenever we wanted to get up. Once I woke up though this is when I noticed the door and the light. Light still on from the night before and the door wide open. Good god we need to stop drinking. I woke Nat and was like "Come in, come take Canadian passport for free... crazy Canadians sleep" all of this in a Cambodian tone. We laughed for a little while and now anytime we are drunk we say this and all the Cambodian people look at us like we are weird.

The day was spent chilling in the pool at our hostel, none of us were in any shape to move anywhere. Lets just say it was rough. As the day went on in the pool I decided the best way to get rid of a hangover is to start drinking all over again. So I started the drinking train again. Got a bunch of beers and chilled out in the pool nursing a hangover. Met some people from Montreal and others from the States. Had some convo and got them on the drinking train. So this pool day ended up being a party in the pool. Wonderful idea.

That night for supper we went out for Indian food. It was actually very good and I think I like Indian food now. So weird for me to like something different. After dinner we went to an orphanage to watch one of the shows the children put on for tourist. They played traditional Cambodian Music and danced traditional Cambodian dances. It was quite interesting, and this orphanage was very poor so it was nice to see the children so involved. After the show we got to meet the children and we chatted with a few. Their English was ok, but not as good as other orphanages we've been to. I think that this orphanage focusses too much on the show the children put on to make money then on the education for the children. This is my opinion and I'm sure others felt the same way, but at least these children were having fun and are being treated fairly. There may be some negatives to the situation, so I'm always trying to find the positive.

After the orphanage we went to the night market and all split up. Myself and Amanda went for massages where blind people who have been affected by the Khmer Rouge were the ones to give the massage. It was so much different then any other massage because they had to feel around a lot, but they were better at giving massages in my books because since they cannot see their other senses are stronger. After the massage we walked around and couldn't find anyone so we went out on the street and chatted with a couple Tuk Tuk drivers and a police man for a little while until we ran into Jonah and Kia. Since we couldn't find anyone else we decided we would hit up a bar for a few beers before heading back to the guest house.

Chilled out at the bar for a few hours drinking pitchers after pitchers until we realized we had to be up at 4am to go to Anchor Wat to see the sun rise. We called it a anight and peaced back to the guest house. Once we were there everyone was waiting around for us wondering where we were so we all went out by the pool and smoked some more tribal cigs that they gave us to take on our journey. Not long after we all headed off to bed like the good children we are.

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