Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 31

Woke up a bit early this morning due to the heat and because we had to get off the island for 11. Packed all of our things and made sure we had everything this time. Got breakfast together and headed down to where the ferry picks you up. Right before I decided a beer would be a good way to say goodbye to such a beautiful island, so beer it was. We took some last minute photos and said our goodbyes as we got on an even sketchier boat then the night we got in. At this point we were wondering if they actually had an actual ferry, or were they all this sketchy.

Got to the mainland and jumped into our mini bus that was going to take us to Pakse. Spent the entire morning in the mini bus until we finally got to Pakse. Finally we could get out stretch our legs and chill in this cool town for a few hours before getting another bus. We were wrong... not so much about the chilling part, but about the cool town. The town is a ghost town, nothing is open, everything is closed down. It was so hard to find somewhere to chill for 6 hours, Teale and I managed to find a place where we could buy beer so it was all good in our minds. Then we walked around and met this American couple who told us about the only restaurant that was open, and it just happened to be Indian. We headed there and got food before taking another bus. Met up with Eli and Mel and went to thr bus station. Our bus was much different then any other bus we've ever taken... why you ask, well it was a sleeper bus. This means there are beds on the bus instead of seats. It was an overnight bus so at the time we thought it would bve a good idea. So not. Last sleeper bus Teale and myself will ever take, the roads were so bumpy we were flying up in the air and almost fell out of our bed. It was brutal, we so did not get any sleep, only because we had to hang on for our lives the whole way.

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