Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 15

Woke up on our own for the first time without a rooster, without a time, without any stress. It was awesome. Teale, Nat, and myself decided for lunch since bfast was over we would go to get Mexican again since we loved it so much. As we were walking out the door Amanda joined in. We ate a lovely Mexican meal with lots of children begging. To the point where you felt bad, but yet hated it so much. Finally since giving money to the children is the worst thing you can do we asked the child to sit with us and we would buy him a meal. We chatted with the boy and he was actually a very smart child. He was an interesting young fella and he really enjoyed the conversation as well.

After lunch Teale, Nat, and myself walked around and checked out the shops. Did the girlie thing and shopped all day/ really didn't shop since there were no shops really. We ended up going back to the hostel and played around in the pool like children, it was awsome since it was so hot out. Had us some beer in the pool and enjoyed life. We then all got our shit together and decided to have another night out dancing and drinking. Wild night it was. We drank till all hours of the night and didn't go home until way after the bar was closed. The night was eventfull, but the morning was painfull. No Columbian guys this night, but lots of Canadians that we danced with.

Bedtime came around and Nat and I were extremely drunk that we passed out in our bed to only realize in the morning that we had left the light on and the door wide open. Welcome to Cambodia and thank god we had a horseshoe up our ass because we would have never known if someone had come into our room. They could have taken our shit. We now know we cannot room together because we are not responsible when together haha.

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