Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 22

Woke up around 7ish and got ready for a long day. We headed to S.C.A.O orphanage around 8:30am to begin the build. Once we got there we realized the wood wasn't bought yet and nothing was ready for us to do so we chilled out in the orphanage playing around with the children. After a while we finally got to work. We started top help take out nails and take down the old school that was already there. Once it was down we realized that there was nothing for us to do except paint the walls until the Cambodians decided what they wanted to do and how to go about building the new school. We started painting the walls because it wasn't the prettiest place to study... we figured a pretty place makes a better place to learn and study and we wanted the children to feel more like home so we got to painting. We painted forever it seemed and then we continued our painting to the gate. The gate was looking pretty old so we figured why not make the whole school area look more happy so all the children will want to go to school. I thought it was a good idea until I realized the paint didn't come off. You needed gas to get the paint off. So after spending the entire day painting and smelling like gas I was impressed, but not all at the same time. Near the end of the day we had made friends with many of the children who we also got to help us paint. We thought it would be nice to get them to paint so they can say they did that one day, and then we helped raise the school 2 feet from what it was before. That took some serious muscle, which I didn't think we had until we actually did it.

Once the day was over and it was supper time we decided to stay a little bit longer and play with the children. Everyone loves soccer so of course we played soccer the one sport I don't like. It was fine though, I wasn't the star player, but I did the best I could do with the little skill I had. We left shorlty after that and went staight out for supper with paint all over us. On the way home we stopped at a stop light and this woman on a motor bike pulled up next to us. she kept stairing so we said hello and she was like thank you so much, thank you so much for being here. You do good things for Cambodia and I want to say thank you. It was great and we all felt like we've been doing something good on this trip. She could tell that we had been painting all day and what foreigners actually go to Cambodia to paint instead of drink. We do, it was awesome for someone to realize the work we've put in and I love Cambodia and can't wait to go back and do more work for that country.

For supper we went out to eat at a very sketchy burger place. We all ordered burgers and well lets just say they weren't cooked. Teale and myself didn't eat the burgers because they were pink and we both thought that would just end up bad. After supper Teale, Kia, Issac, and myslef went out to a really fancy ice cream place called Chill and it was awesome. So Canadian prices, but way worth it. The ice cream was the best I've ever had in my life no word of a lie. So creamy and the presentation was amazing.

Finally got back to the guesthouse and we showered and got ready for the night... meaning time to drink. We all peaced to Top Banana for more drinks. After a while being at Top Banana people started to peace out, but myself, Nat, and Amanda were not ready to go home at all. We stayed and drank until 3:30 before we headed to another bar to continue our drinking. We went to another bar called pontoune, which was a bar on a boat. I didn't know at the time it was a boat, but when we were there I was like yo Nat why is the dance floor moving so much and she answered its because of all the whores on the dance floor. I found out the next day thaqt it was a boat and that's why it was moving so much. Nat and I left around 4:30am and peaced back home leaving Amanda because she was having so much fun. We knew we had to get up early so if we stayed out any later it would just be bad. Got home after a long time fighting with a Tuk Tuk driver about the price of a Tuk Tuk, We got what we wanted and that's all that matters. Then headed to bed because 8am comes early.

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