Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 29

Had to catch a bus at 6am, Woke up at 6am. Good god it was a mad rush for both Teale and myself. We threw everything into our bag as fast as we could ran downstairs still haggard from the night before, luckely the van was waiting for us and we got it just before it was about to leave us behind. Got to the bus station ran to our bus threw our bags down and jumped on the bus just in time. Sat down, couldn't think because I was still so drunk from the night before. Was trying to go over things in my head to see if I brought everything but I couldn't focuse so I passed out. When I woke up I was hungover, but couldn't help but laugh cause we almost missed our bus. It was an epic disaster, but not a fail since we made it. The bus was 16 hours long and I know this because I was so hungover for the entire time on the really bad roads. the whole time I thought I was going to be sick so I tried to sleep. Slept the whole way with no food in my belly... I was too afraid I would get sick if I ate something.

While on the bus for 16 hours our bus breaks down for an hour on the side of the road. So we're chilling on the side of the road bored out of our tree, lukely I slept due to the mad hangover. Once we got to the border of Cambodia and Laos it took forever because not us, but other people had border touble and the boder closed so they couldn't get into Laos. They had to pay the police man to let them in... it was a disaster lets just put it that way.

Finally got into where you take a ferry over to Dondet the 4000 islands, it was about 8:30 and the bus was suppose to get in at 6. Well take a guess folks... the ferry was closed for the night. We all had to bribe a random dude to take us over on his sketchy boat. Finally he did, it was horrible and I thought we were going to drown. Made it to the island in one piece and so happy to finally be off of a bus/ferry so I could finally get me some food. We got a guesthouse, got some food and then walked around the island. It was pretty quiet and we were all tired so we headed to bed for the night.

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