Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 28

We woke up around 6... why so early, well it was biking day. Got showers and met the group downstairs for 7. We all headed to the bike shop got our rented bike, which were pretty nice mountain bikes. Got helmeted up, and road our bikes to the ferry. Following our guide of course because it is very dangerous to bike in the city unless you know what you are doing. One guide at the front and the other at the back making sure we all made it to the ferry safe and sound... Kia on the other hand had never road a bike so it took him much longer to get to the ferry, I'm gonna say 40 mins when it only took the rest of us 5. Kia had the adventure of a lifetime that day, falling and trying to learn, he now can ride a bike, but not very well.

We took the ferry to Mekong Island where it is less city and more country, more of a biker place, which is why we were going there. Started our trek at around 9 am with a nice cold beer. Beer and biking are so a good combo. We didn't stop at 1, we may have had another one as well. The rest of the group started the biking while myself, Amanada, and Mikka stayed behind and kept drinking. We knew we would catch up at some point. After 15 mins of drinking we decided we should hit the road. Got on our bikes with Amanda's speakers blasting sweet melodies. We stopped every 5 seconds whenever we saw a store and bought another beer, chugged it and then kept going. It was now 9:30 in the morning and all these Cambodians didn't understand why we were drinking so early, we didn't either, but trust me its always a good idea. At this point we are now lost from the group, but we didn't care. We all knew how to bike and drink so we figured we could put the both together.

As we were ridding our bike, I happen to get distracted and hit a giant rock, went ass over handle bars onto the ground. All the locals started running towards me, they thought I had died, but really I stood up totally fine and was asking for more beer. They laughed and thought I was crazy. This is when I noticed my chain was off, so I had to fix that. One of the locals helped me fix it like a nice man he was and then it was biking time again. Amanada and Mikka on the other hand could not stop laughing so I joined in and got another beer. We biked a little more and then stopped again for another beer. This is when the rest of the gang came up behind us and we were confused because we were behind them. They all went to check out the temple which is why they got behind us. We all joined in together and got beer. Nat found her future husband, he was really 3 yrs old, but the mother loved Nat so much she wanted her to come back one day and marry him. We found this odd, but went with it. Myself, well I made friends with the guide. He called me baby and wanted to marry me. So we are now planning our marriage together.

We kept going with the biking, took another ferry to another island. Biked hard for a while since there were no stores to buys beer. We started to bike faster and faster, and we all know that means bad news. Going around this turn Nat was going wide and I was coming in sharpe, Nat decided last minute to go sharpe and I made a quick decision call, it was either both of us go down or just one of us. I decided I should go and save Nat. Well you all know what comes next. Down goes me. My ass scrape the pavement along with the side of my knee. At this point my helmet was not on my head since I gave it to our guide to hold onto and I was on the ground. In pain... no not so much. Might be because of the alcohol, but I was laughing, gave Amanda a heart attack though. She thought I died. My man in shinning armor came to the rescue, he biked back picked me up and everything was ok. Got back on my bike and road off, blood running down my leg, but I love battle wounds.

We kept ridding and found a spot where we could go swimming in the river. The river wasn't the cleanest so I decided not to go in since my leg was open and dirty water would not be the best thing for my wound. We kept ridding and got on another ferry back to the city. Finally got back to the bike shop where we had dinner lunch with the guides.

After lunch we all went home and took showers since we were covered in dirt. We all met up and I bandaged my leg up and we went for supper at Friends. It a place where orphanes go and learn how to be servers so they get get a good job at a fancy restaurant instead of begging on the streets. After friends we all went out to Top Banana for our last night before ITT, meaning time on our own to travel. It was also Steph's birthday celebrations so we celebrated hard. Free shots all night from the bartenders, and loads of booze to be drank. After Top Banana we headed to Pontoune to drink more. At this point I was feeling great, along with everyone else. After Pontoune we went to Candy Bar drank there for a bit until 4am. This is when I realized I had to be up at 5 to catch a bus at 6. It was time for me to go home and catch a few ZZzzZzZ's before bussing all day.

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